Reviewer Team

1. Dr. I Gede Margunayasa, S.Pd., M.Pd., (Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha) [Scopus_type_logo] [] []
2. Dr. Heri Isnaini, M.Hum. IKIP Siliwangi [Scopus_type_logo] [] []
3. Dr. Susintowati, S.Si., M.Sc. Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Banyuwangi [Scopus_type_logo] [] []
4. Dr. Muhammad Bukhori Dalimunthe, M.Si. Universitas Negeri Medan [Scopus_type_logo] [] []
5. Dr. Ida Bagus Made Wisnu Parta, S.S., M.Hum. Universitas Dwijendra [Scopus_type_logo] [] []
6. Dr. Erif Ahdianto, S.Pd., M.Pd., (State University of Malang) [[Scopus_type_logo] [] []
7. Dr. Neni Hermita, M.Pd., (Universitas Riau) [Scopus_type_logo] [] []
8. Dr. Imroatus Solikhah, M.Pd (IAIN Surakarta) [Scopus_type_logo] [] []
9. Dr. Sultan, M.Pd., (State University of Makasar) [[Scopus_type_logo] [] []
10. Dr. Eyus Sudihartinih, M.Pd. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [Scopus_type_logo] [] []
11. Ir. Muhammad Nurtanto, M.Pd. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa [Scopus_type_logo] [] [
12. Erwinsyah Satria, M.Si., M.Pd. Universitas Bung Hatta [Scopus_type_logo] [] []
13. Leni Marlina, S.S., M.A. Universitas Negeri Padang [Scopus_type_logo] [] []
14. Dedi Riyan Rizaldi, M.Pd. MA Plus Nurul Islam Sekarbela [Scopus_type_logo] [] []
15. Pradika Adi Wijayanto, S.Pd, M.Pd. Universitas Negeri Semarang [Scopus_type_logo] [] []