Analysis Factors Teachers Occupational Well-Being

  • Titin Kholisna Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat
Abstract views: 73 , PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) downloads: 39
Keywords: Factor analyzis, Teachers occupational, Well being


Teacher occupational well-being factors include various components that influence them both from a physical, social, economic, psychological and legal perspective. This research uses a quantitative development instrument which aims to develop an instrument in the form of items and factors/components so that adequate validity results are obtained. We have obtained the results of developing a total of 75 items on the teacher work welfare scale which have been tested on 23 teachers. By using exploratory analysis, valid item results with factor loading > 0.5 were obtained for 38 items with four factors formed from a rotated component matrix with item values ​​of 0.52 (lower) - 0.867 (higher). As a result of these factors, factors were named, namely factor 1 is recognition and satisfaction of professional work with a total of 13 items, factor 2 is self-development skills with a total of 9 items, factor 3 is administrative system support with a total of 9 items, factor 4 is balance of school culture with a total of 7 items. and this development instrument has obtained a reliability of 0.964.


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How to Cite
Kholisna, T. (2024). Analysis Factors Teachers Occupational Well-Being. Jurnal Simki Pedagogia, 7(2), 448-457.